Water Treatment Specialist

Welcome to PT Banyu Biru Sejati - Water Treatment Specialist

 PT Banyu Biru Sejati has established itself as a leading manufacturer and supplier of quality water treatment plant, ranging from basic water softeners and reverse osmosis equipment to customer specified complex water treatment solutions. Its success is due to its flexibility in tailoring its quality products to meet customer requirements.

PT Banyu Biru Sejati  provides several ranges of standard plant:
Softeners, Filters, Demineralisers, Reverse Osmosis Plant and Dealkalisation Plants. PT Banyu Biru Sejati also provides more specialised project plant individually designed to suit customers' needs and tailored to realistic customers' budgets.

The specialised plants can be for producing high-quality process waters in the food and brewing industry, pharmaceutical, microelectronics, energy, chemical and automotive industries.

PT Banyu Biru Sejati  also stocks a large range of spares & equipment, including:
Ion Exchange Resins, Filter Media & Reverse Osmosis Membranes.

PT Banyu Biru Sejati  also offers extensive service packages on existing or new equipment.

Bumi Satria Kencana, Blok C No. 9
Jln. KH Noer Ali, Bekasi 17144

UP             : M. Susanto (Sales Engineer)
Mobile 1    : 0813.8650.1642
Mobile 2    : 021-9604.6408
Facsimile   : (021) 8856176
E-mail       : ptbanyubiru2@gmail.com
Web          : http://banyubirusejati.blogspot.com/